We have a winner to “What is this object?”

The winner does happen to be my brother Ian, but there was no shenanigans, in fact I would have rather the winner be local as now I have to ship the prize overseas.

Ian’s second guess was

I would say it’s for marking the area to cut out in order to recess the rails in a balustrade, to ensure they are vertical, hence the spirit level

Which is bang on, the device is in fact the LJ-3047 – Telescoping Baluster Marking Tool, made by LJ Smith. To see it in operation I suggest you watch this YouTube video by Matt Weber.

I haven’t used it yet, but I’m sure I will. I think I paid the embarrassingly low price of eBay of $0.99, plus shipping.

Chris, I’ll also send you a pot as you were the only other entrant, Ian can deliver.

2 Replies to “We have a winner to “What is this object?””

  1. Ha ha, don’t worry. I knew it was some sort of marking gauge but couldn’t work out the level. $0.99, could you afford it 😉

  2. Well if you ever want to borrow it let me know. Yes 99 cents was stretching it a bit!

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