What is this object?

I bought this mystery tool a while back. I haven’t used it but it will get used at some point. It’s still in production and is a specialist tool that has a single purpose. Can you guess what it does?

Think about the features listed below, they will help you a lot in identifying what it can do and then it’s particular purpose.

Features include:

  • Spring loaded punch on one end and a spike on the other
  • Bubble level’s on two axes
  • It’s telescoping

Winner receives a jar of our homemade DnA chili sauce. Local winners can pick it up, for others I will ship.

I’ll suppress any winning comments for few days to give everyone a while to think about it.

5 Replies to “What is this object?”

    1. Definitely a marking gauge, but not to do with mortices though.

  1. Is it a marking gauge to help you mirror the marks from one side of a window to the other side so you know exactly where to cut, for example if you wanted to put some channels in, having already done it on one side.

  2. Windows was just an example. You could use it for doors if you wanted to work out where to cut the recesses on the opposite side of a door frame if you wanted to change which side it hinged.

    However, having said all of the above I would say it’s for marking the area to cut out in order to recess the rails in a balustrade, to ensure they are vertical, hence the spirit level.

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