Odd jobs

We haven’t posted anything in a while, not because we’ve been inactive, but because we’ve been working on a lot of small projects. One of these was a clamp rack – it got used for a few weeks before being deemed two small, hence I made a bigger one, which now seems too large but that can be fixed with more clamps. Don the Johnson will take the old rack so I’m pleased it won’t become firewood.

Another small task was to clear the verge which had become overgrown and a favourite spot for local dogs. Initial plan was to put grass down but we have bigger fish to fry so instead we cut back the weeds, burnt the roots with my Dragon flame thrower and then dug up the 1 – 4″ of soil, which had built up over the years, to expose some hand laid bricks. It’s no Roman mosaic but it does look better than weeds and next year we will remove a section of the bricks every 6 foot to make way for some flower beds.

Work continues on the front door and last week we glued in the panel trim and framed around the glass openings. We are now working on the other side. Hopefully it will be ready to paint in a week or so. This door has taken more time than I expected.

Lastly Disaster Mansion appeared in a local historical treasure hunt. We met some of the intrepid treasure hunters last weekend, gave them a tour of the house and some old antique nails as a memento, not sure what they do with them though.

We’re still waiting to have our plumbing roughed in after which we’ll be getting the electrician in. Only then can we get a concrete floor poured on the ground floor which is looking doubtful now this year.