What is this tree?

Can anyone tell me what this tree is? It’s over 100′ tall, the trunk must be a good 4-5′ across and it has lots of small red blossoms on it. These trees are numerous around Kingston but I haven’t been able to identify it.

A beer or substitute for the first person who identifies it correctly.

The Good Parts. Roof View

It was a cold winter day when these were taken so will be much nicer in the summer. One day we hope to move the cupola (the little house that sits on the roof) so it’s in the center of the house, making it slightly larger and adding more windows etc.

If you don’t know what a cupula is or it’s purpose then this is a nice little article.

The Bad Parts. Back Deck and Stairs

It will be nice when we have removed up all this stuff, the junk, the rotting deck and the staircase. The staircase isn’t original and was probably added when they split the place into apartments. Yes, they are cement asbestos tiles but we will remove them carefully (with correct dust masks etc) and dispose of it in a proper fashion. We will keep the upper deck until the time comes to replace it.

Clearing out the Garden

According to the neighbours the garden had been unattended for about a decade. In that time many hundreds of saplings (they looked like ash) have taken root. The small ones could be pulled out by hand but most needed digging out. Not hard but when you have hundreds it can get tiring. Spend two weekends on it so far and probably have half the garden cleared.

Worse than the trees are the creepers which are thick on the ground and like to put down roots every 6 or so inches which makes pulling them out hard.

The garden is a good space and we will first get accustomed to the levels and how we start to use it before we do anything. Currently we are thinking of some lovely blossoming trees and beautiful blue stone walls. We will visit https://www.opus40.org/ again to give us some inspiration.