National Gravel Day

Did you know that 16th October is National Gravel day – that’s news to me. First off a big thank you to Giovanna and Derrick who helped us shift gravel for a few hours. That was a huge help and thank you. It’s amazing how much difference a couple of extra people can make.

We probably removed about 3 cubic yards of gravel which is half of what we ordered. We’ll probably need to order more and I’ll do the calculations so we’re not left with much over.

My plan was to pull the plywood shuttering up as the level of gravel increased but I didn’t and now it won’t budge. I should of also paid attention to the metal spikes holding up the shuttering – I managed to rescue all the long 4′ ones (that’s what I’m doing at the end of the video), but the shorter 30″ spikes got buried which is a shame but I don’t want to dig up the gravel again – lesson learnt.

We bought 6 more sheets of 4’x8′ OSB which we had cut lengthwise and that will provide the next layer of shuttering. I’m thinking that as the weather is getting colder this weekend we may spend plastering the inside walls as this can’t be done when it gets too cold and gravel can be shifted in most weather conditions.

The camera decided to stop working halfway through so apologies for the discontinuity and I’m sorry I didn’t get Aimee and Giovanna on film as they did a great job shoveling the gravel into the buckets.