Je Suis Très Fatigué

If you remember, last month I had a post titled, “Digging is over“, well you can imagine my joy when I noticed that it wasn’t, a couple of feet deep of muck now sat at the bottom of the previously cleared trench. Not sure how it got there, but the plot thickens!! At it’s deepest it was a little over 2′ deep and even the ladder was buried.

It was caused by a serve storm earlier this week and today I decided to dig it all out and to make the parge coat and a french drain a top priority as I don’t really want to dig it out again. It probably took about 5 hours with a few breaks. Luckily I was in the shade and there was a slight breeze as temperatures today were hitting the low 90F/32C. The hard part was throwing it out of the trench, but fortunately this thankless task is over.

PS. The title of this post comes from a line in a British comedy show, do you know which one? I bet Jason knows.

[Spoiler alert. The answer: ]

3 Replies to “Je Suis Très Fatigué”

  1. I think your house doesn’t want to be saved, and it’s probably getting pissed that you haven’t got the message yet.

    No idea on the comedy.

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