We have one modern convenience

Running water, albeit a single tap, but this is progress.

A big shout out to our plumber Paul Sinnott, Derick at Kingston City Water Department and Thomas our builder.

Paul, Derick, Thomas and ourselves all met up last Tuesday at 8.30am. I wish I had bought my camera with me as a lot of progress was made in a short time. It seems that our water system was very old (see man hole picture) and it surprised everyone that the system hadn’t frozen and burst years ago considering how low the water meter etc. were below ground (about two foot). It took some grunt to get it turned on and involved a very long pole to get better leverage and an angle grinder. At times I thought we were going to have a geyser outside of Gill House.

This old connection to the mains will be upgraded in time and Paul thought that we wouldn’t have to dig into the road to install the new system which is great news for us and it will save us money and the hassle of getting permits etc.

We temporarily filled up the hole so no one would fall into it and covered the pipework with a plastic water bottle to keep the dirt out. Some history about the “Ford Meter Box” can be found on the Ford Meter Box companies website.

As you can see form the photos, we can now water our grass which was in much need of water. We’ll probably have to reseed a bit but we’ll wait a week or so to see what happens.