One step closer to the Porcelain Throne

Sorry we haven’t posted in while, we’ve been working on our new front door and it’s taken longer than I thought. Construction is almost complete and we hope to paint it in the following few weeks, then we have to work out how to hang this behemoth of a door, anyway enough of that and back to what you’ve been all waiting for, our latest plumbing update.

Backing up a bit when we bought the house the plumbing was pretty much non-existant, there was the original cast iron pipes which led through the house to the street which had rusted through and any copper piping that may have existed had succumbed to the house’s ten year absenteeism from human occupation or in the British vernacular, ‘some bugger had pinched all the pipes‘.

Now at last we are starting to get all the plumbing replaced and up to modern standards. It’s taken us a while as we had foundations to fix, collapsed walls to rebuild and even after the builders had finished their work on the foundations we beefed up them up where pipes had to go under them.

Today Nick and Taylor from Sinnott Plumbing came around and started the rough in and for this we had to nail down where we wanted every plumbing related item, sink, bath, toilet etc. which was pretty tricky for us as the house is unfinished and we need to add 6″ or so of insulation to the walls etc. Fingers crossed we aren’t too far off as all of this will be covered by a concrete slab making changes a little tricky. So if in the future you ever come to visit the house and wonder why the bath, sink or shower is in an odd place you’ll know why, but then such placement will probably be all the rage.

I’m so, so glad we added the extra strengthening to the footings plus the two reinforced pillars beneath the back wall, which would have otherwise been held up by sand alone. I’m pretty sure that without the extra support the back wall wouldn’t have survived being excavated in such a fashion and I just hope it can hang on for a little longer. You can see those back wall pillars in the last five photos.

They will be coming back soon to connect our newly laid pipes to the street and also run some pipes for gas, after which we can hopefully start to fill in the trenches and start planning for a concrete pour. That said I also need to do some research on Radon etc.

Odd jobs

We haven’t posted anything in a while, not because we’ve been inactive, but because we’ve been working on a lot of small projects. One of these was a clamp rack – it got used for a few weeks before being deemed two small, hence I made a bigger one, which now seems too large but that can be fixed with more clamps. Don the Johnson will take the old rack so I’m pleased it won’t become firewood.

Another small task was to clear the verge which had become overgrown and a favourite spot for local dogs. Initial plan was to put grass down but we have bigger fish to fry so instead we cut back the weeds, burnt the roots with my Dragon flame thrower and then dug up the 1 – 4″ of soil, which had built up over the years, to expose some hand laid bricks. It’s no Roman mosaic but it does look better than weeds and next year we will remove a section of the bricks every 6 foot to make way for some flower beds.

Work continues on the front door and last week we glued in the panel trim and framed around the glass openings. We are now working on the other side. Hopefully it will be ready to paint in a week or so. This door has taken more time than I expected.

Lastly Disaster Mansion appeared in a local historical treasure hunt. We met some of the intrepid treasure hunters last weekend, gave them a tour of the house and some old antique nails as a memento, not sure what they do with them though.

We’re still waiting to have our plumbing roughed in after which we’ll be getting the electrician in. Only then can we get a concrete floor poured on the ground floor which is looking doubtful now this year.

Assembling oak stiles and rails

Okay this door does have a non-traditional construction method and I would definitely rethink this if we had to do another external door but luckily we don’t, at least not for the foreseeable future. That said it will look like a traditional door which will be long lasting door and have a decent bit of insulation.

You might have remembered that this door started as a foam cored slab, for which I forgot to cut out the windows, see measure once, cut twice.

This slab is now in the process of being transformed into a traditional door with the help of some nice white oak that our friend John Paul milled from trees from his estate. We had to wait a month or so until the oak was dry enough to start working on but fortunately we had a humidity tester. The oak stiles are rails were joined with small tenon joints, not massively strong, but enough to keep the wood in the same plane. These joints were all cut on our lovely new router table.

To make sure we didn’t mess up the construction we made a sample cross-sectional piece to see how the glass would fit in and I’m pretty sure that without this there would have been some cutting mistakes. The last picture is of the stiles and the rails that I glued together earlier, sitting on the ply/foam sandwich. It still has to have the trim added which we are currently working on but you can see that it’s looking more door like now. The other side will also get the same stile and rail oak treatment.

Last but not least we cut out the slot for our lovely mail slot, admittedly the door is too thick for the slot, but a minor detail.

Luna Moth

We saw one last night at our small socially distanced bbq. Never even heard of the Luna moth before and probably won’t ever see one again.

The life cycle of theses moths is:

Life stages are approximately two weeks as eggs, 6–7 weeks as larvae, nine months as pupae, finishing with one week as winged adults appearing in late May or early June

Seems a shame the moths only live a week and according to Wikipedia the adults don’t even eat. Anyway it was a treat to see this large and slow flying flamboyant moth.

Today we painted a door

Today we painted our soon to be new back door. Its taken us ages to restore this door so it was nice to finally paint it. We found the door up in the rafters of our decrepit garage with a good layer of soil and plant life on top. We had to replace all the trim, panels and most of the stiles needed major repairs from abuse by crowbars.

So we painted a door today, but there’s a lot more to it than that, what we are doing is putting a stake in the ground for the colour scheme for the whole house which we’ll hopefully live with for many years.

When we bought the house it had been gutted and very little of the original trim or details remained however there were some remaining surfaces that retained the original paint such as the light blue sea green color of the stairs and balusters.

We decided to continue with this colour which started us on our headache to match it. We started off with countless colour cards followed by various samples which were way off the mark. Finally we found a colour card which seemed a great match so off we trotted to get a gallon of Sherman Williams Duration which was recommended by Derrick.

First coat went on and it looked too green. We let it dry overnight hoping it would mellow but in the morning light it was still firmly too green. After a bit of head scratching we thought we could take our paint back to Sherwin Williams in the hope that they could magically re-tint it to what we wanted and in truth it was an act of purest optimism and would have undoubtedly ruined a gallon of pretty expensive paint in the process. As luck would have it Sherman Williams closes at 4:30 on Saturday and we missed it by minutes. We then thought of buying some sample latex paint from a box store and blending it ourselves, but before we did this we thought we’d run the idea past Derrick as we’d be blending different makes. So glad we spoke to Derrick as he very helpfully suggested we go to an art store and buy acrylic paint (small tubes/bottles etc.).

The nearest store was Michaels so we got some Black and Manganese Blue acrylic from Golden which is great quality paint but it does cost a little more, that said it was worth it for the beautiful swirls it gave while mixing. Back home we started making colour swatches by adding a single drop of acrylic each time. I was a bit concerned that I may add too much acrylic to our paint and ruin it, how wrong was I!! In total we added 6oz of Golden Manganese Blue, 8 drops of Golden Black, 8oz of Liquitex Cerulean Blue and 8oz of Liquitex Titanium White (we went with the Liquitex due to cost).

The results of this did improve the color and now the door is more bluish than greenish however, the blue is a little dark so we’ll probably add another 8oz of White Titanium. We think we’ll leave the side of the door we painted as it is as it’s already had three coats, but the other side is fresh wood.

Cool cars at Disaster Mansion

Today we honored with a visit from this cute car, the owner of which would rather be known as the Possibly the Honorable D the J.

Some free beers in Kingston if you can identify the car and the year. Note the engine was upgraded to a 850cc, hence why the boot is continually open.

As we left Possibly the Honorable D the J had us join him in pray that he get home in one piece. Thankfully his prayers were answered and he did manage it.

Thank you Possibly the Honorable D the J for reveling this classic and you can trust us that we will not reveal your identity.

Knock, knock, who’s there?

Some idiot who forgot to put windows in our new front door. Sigh.

We hadn’t touched this door for months and I wasn’t thinking when I glued on one side of the plywood sheet yesterday, or when we glued down the foam core insulation with Special 3M 78, never to be removed spray adhesive, today. Of course about fifteen minutes after completing this it dawned on me that we were planning on having two glass window panels.

If it wasn’t for the fact that we have already sunk over $120 and many hours into this door, I probably would scrap it.

I’m sure I can tidily cut the foam out etc., and I’ll think on it tonight or maybe I’ll have a beer instead.

And remember all you makers out there, measure once, cut twice… I’ll get my coat.

On some good news today we finished all the excavation for the basic ground floor plumbing and shifted enough soil from the driveway that we can get our little sail boat out. Last year we didn’t take the boat out once as there were tons of rubble blocking it in.

And not so different from the last post

This time it’s reinforcing the foundations of the front wall so we can connect to the street. This wall was a bit trickier as we were near the corner of the house. We did have new footings put in but they weren’t continuous over the section that we had to burrow under, that is, the footings were done in small 3 – 4 foot pieces, which is fine normally, but its not possible to know what the linkage between these sections is, there could be rebar spanning them or it could be friction etc… You can see from the pictures that there are some clearly discontinuous sections. It’s like lego bricks, if you want to span a large distance, then longer pieces are better than lots of small ones. We had lots of smaller sections and in lots of places you could put your hand at least 5″ under the wall, not good.

Again we could have skipped the reinforcement, but in two days we had the job done. It was a big job but we did get 30 bags of concrete delivered which was a great help as we can only get 5 bags in our Corolla. I’m not sure Aimee wanted to go ahead with this project but now it’s done we’re both glad we did it as tunneling under this wall is now stress free.

Oh and on the back wall I did start counting, in chalk, the number bags of concrete we used, alas the camera has a limitation of 40,000 pics even though there was plenty more space on the SD card. This was a big pour and I think we used over forty 80 lbs bags. Pain in the back, literally.

The finished product can be seen below and the reason the concrete shows differences in colour is that we used different manufactures when we ran out of our delivery load. All of this will eventually get covered up by our concrete slab which we’d like to get done this year if possible.

Progress on plumbing

So as you may recall we have to redo all our plumbing as we currently have very little – a garden hose attached to our mains water which we greatly appreciate and can thank Paul Sinnott for.

We believe the last owners of the house were attempting to restore it as they gutted the house, hence no kitchens, bathrooms and then it was left empty for about ten years, during which time it was broken into and anything of value was pinched, e.g. copper pipes etc. It does make us feel sorry for the defenseless house and reminds me of the poor albatross chicks on Gough island and don’t search for it if you’re squeamish. If you want to donate go to RSPB Gough Island project.

To add to the plumbing complication there had never been any bathroom on the ground floor and as the sewer pipe entered the ground floor above ground level this was going to be a problem as sinks, toilets, baths etc. usually expect the above mentioned pipe to be below so gravity can do it’s work however, as we have to install a new sewer pipe it gives us the opportunity to lower the new pipe by a few feet – sure we could have had some pump system, but I really want to keep this system as simple and as reliable as possible. Fortunately for us the existing level of the sewer pipe at the street is low enough to enable this two to three foot drop.

Earlier this year we met Paul at the house and discussed how we should progress and it was decided that we should dig all trenches for the pipes, including out to the street – this was really a cost cutting exercise on our part as we need to be prudent.

Trench digging is fine, it’s hard work but we take it slowly, the issues we had was that we had to dig trenches under two load bearing walls and having brought down a wall accidentally last year you can understand how I am very hesitant about burrowing under them, especially as the geological layer around here and beneath our walls is 95% sand and I kid you not. You dig a hole in our basement and within minutes the ground around it collapses – you get the idea. In fact on occasion when we made our concrete mix too wet, we just used some of the sand we had dug up to thicken it! Added to all that the footings don’t appear very substantial in the areas we have to dig under as can be seen in the photos below.

Earlier this year Derrick had suggested that we reinforce the footings our builders had put in and that is what you can see us doing in the photos and video. We first drilled holes into the existing footings and epoxied in rebar perpendicular to the wall followed by a couple of long pieces of rebar parallel to the wall. In the end it took us about eleven straight hours and about twenty five 80 lbs bags of concrete. We also added some large washed rocks to save on concrete. It was hard and sweaty work but now I won’t have any worries about burrowing under this wall as it’s a substantial chunk of concrete. One more wall left to reinforce.

Cherish your friends

Today my best friend Martin will be laid to rest. Alas we weren’t able to attend the service but I am gratified that many of his close friends, including Rich, Huw, Jayne, Judith, Linda, Helen, Chris, Claire will be there to say their farewells. He will be desperately missed by all. What a solid chap.

I’m not alone in saying that Martin is part of our DNA and always will be, binding our memories and friendship. Martin you’re forever with us and we all thank you for sharing your very generous life with us. Like most of his friends we had expected our adventures with you to continue so I hope you watch down on us as we continue with them, sadly without you.

My last thoughts go out to his sister, Cathy who was forever at his side.

I leave you with some pictures of Martin and a funny story at the end.

One of the funniest things I ever saw, witnessed by my family and our cousins, was on a Boxing day when we all went up the common to watch Win and I fly our rather large Nasa Para Wing kite (hand built by Martin). It was a typical winters day, cold and damp with a decent breeze, but no rain. Win was already up there setting up the kite towards the rugby pitch end of the common as the wind was blowing toward the railway station. I helped him launch it and then stood back and watched as family chatted and half watched Win. It was soon obvious that Win was struggling a bit with the kite, knees bent, leaning back with arms out stretched. It was like watching a tug-of-war, Win would get pulled forward a few steps and then manage to stagger back and regain his ground. It was now becoming more fun to watch and we all became engrossed with us shouting encouragement to Win, which of course made him laugh which didn’t help his concentration at all. It must of have got tiring for Win as suddenly he went went down on one knee. Who was going to win this battle?

With Win on the ground his position was compromised as he couldn’t step forward or backward and before we knew it Win was down on both knees, leaning back on his haunches. There must have been a gust as the next thing we saw was Win flat on his stomach, in the mud. He could have let go of one of the lines, but did he, no, like a trooper he hung on, being pulled and at a decent rate of knots I may add into the sunset, well not quite the sunset but you get the idea, artistic license. We were all in hysterics by then and I think he got dragged pretty much all the way to the swings before the wind dropped and Win was able to stagger to his feet. By this time the whole front of Wins body was thick with mud and as Win said after, he was pretty sure he was dragged over some dog muck in the process. Luckily Win had his own car to drive back home in.

To this day this has to have been one of the funniest things I have ever seen and all that witnessed agree. Win also saw the funny side and he would often laugh at the retelling of this epic kite flying adventure.

Win you were a legend in your own lunch time and will continue to be!!!! – We salute you.