STOP WORK (font: Monotype Century Schoolbook, so this is serious)

Nice surprise this evening when I found a “Stop Work” notice on our door, it was posted today. Thomas and Matt were here today so probably posted after they left. I know I’m joking about this but I’m sure building inspectors do a good job and are just protecting us by making sure no corners are cut in the building process.

I thought it might be how vulnerable the house looks, held up by just a few wooden structs, but when I got back home I looked up the code, “Article IRC 2015, section 403.1” and you can see from one of the photos that it’s to do with the foundations. Not sure what’s going on here so I’ll ask the builder Thomas and our architect Dave Toder.

Just to give you some understanding of what’s going on in the pictures, the wall on the side of the house was the wall that collapsed (eleventh photo), was rebuilt and then had to be demolished (wasn’t up to code) and is now to be rebuilt. The wall at the front was demolished years ago by some previous owner who had started a foundation wall, but gave up, subsequently leaving it shored up with timber and plywood (last but one photo).

Anyone spot the cute Jensen Healey someone parked outside our house?

2 Replies to “STOP WORK (font: Monotype Century Schoolbook, so this is serious)”

  1. Oh dear, I hope it all works out which it should but still I bet it was a bit alarming.
    Take care both of you.

    1. Builders and architect have been on it today and hopefully it will be resolved within a few days 🙂

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