Today is a good day in many ways.
After months of waiting our plumbing has finally been roughed in [spfx: Hallelujah] and we’re now connected up to the street. This doesn’t mean we have a working loo or sink etc., just that pipes are in place for such porcelain devices. We can now fill in all the trenches and holes, some of which were putting our walls at risk of failure. Thank you Nick and Cameron from Sinnott Plumbing.
In the pics you’ll see a section of the old cast iron sewer pipe. Cameron said he had never seen one as thick, it was a good 1/2″ and the metal inside looked as good as new. Pretty good for being under the ground for over 100 years.
Next step is a concrete pour, but before we do this we’ll probably beef up one or two small sections of our footings as we won’t have this chance again. After that we’ll start to prep for the pour which we now plan to do in the spring.
By the way do you like my magic shovel, you place it on the ground and it sucks soil onto it, it’s brilliant, birthday present from Aimee!!!
It was very nice to finally fill in the hole by our pavement/sidewalk which was at least four foot deep and was putting our porch structure and any stray member of the public at risk, we also recovered some of our driveway
These are great strides, might not feel like it now but they are.
Thanks Chris, slow and steady, that’s us!!!! Possible that we may have a working loo by next year!!!!!
Thanks Chris, slow and steady, that’s us. WE may even have a working loo by next year!!!