Some idiot who forgot to put windows in our new front door. Sigh.
We hadn’t touched this door for months and I wasn’t thinking when I glued on one side of the plywood sheet yesterday, or when we glued down the foam core insulation with Special 3M 78, never to be removed spray adhesive, today. Of course about fifteen minutes after completing this it dawned on me that we were planning on having two glass window panels.
If it wasn’t for the fact that we have already sunk over $120 and many hours into this door, I probably would scrap it.
I’m sure I can tidily cut the foam out etc., and I’ll think on it tonight or maybe I’ll have a beer instead.
And remember all you makers out there, measure once, cut twice… I’ll get my coat.
On some good news today we finished all the excavation for the basic ground floor plumbing and shifted enough soil from the driveway that we can get our little sail boat out. Last year we didn’t take the boat out once as there were tons of rubble blocking it in.
I’m not the only one then.
That will be tough as you will need a rebate for the panes, can you rout foam?
Will you need the light from the panes if only decorative then the panes aren’t worth the pain, sorry.
Yes you get it, all the rebate stuff for the glass!!! I think I have a solution though, just need to think it through etc. We bought a load of white oak from a friend who milled it for us from his own trees and we will attach these to the front and back so it looks like a real old door, stiles and rails etc and I should be able to sandwich the rebates between the oak. Glad I’m not the only one!!!!
oh and the windows will be nice as this will be the ground floor front door and it’s nice to see who is at the door etc. An alternative is to have windows either side of the door but as we build this door pretty wide, I’m not sure how much space we will have – time will tell.