Panning for gold

After we dug out the rear path we have a huge pile of soil on the drive and surprisingly it looks pretty good. Combined with the fact that our last dumpster/skip cost us over $1100 (due to excess weight), we decided to sieve all the soil to get rid of the roots, large stones and general rubbish and reuse it in the garden. The homemade wheelbarrow sieve came from youtube. I used a 1/4″ mesh initially but it took too long and I ended up with a 1/2″ mesh.

The first video you will see is the making of the sieve. I cocked up the pieces of wood which held the mesh in place and as I didn’t have any extra wood I stopped filming. This is a common mistake I make and there must be a name for this kind of mistake as I have heard of other people making the same mistake. The mistake is when I am making something that has mirrored left and right parts, I often forget to flip the template over so I end up with two lefts or two rights. Dickhead springs to mind.

I do plan on getting a 4×8′ sheet of ply for the saw stands and this will be our general work table.

It will take a while to get through this pile of soil but it’s not really hard work and I did find an artifact amongst the soil, which is my next quiz. What is this artifact. My only clue is that it a part of something and it’s shape is a good clue. It’s about 2″ heigh.

mystery object

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