Silkwood shower

Did I come in contact with poison ivy today? Probably, so Silkwood shower afterwards with an industrial micro-bead type scrub. I had bought a few tops from charity stores with the aim of throwing them away after one use in the garden (the red top I was wearing today), however I needed to wash my pants so I included them. Hot water, lots of detergent and some rubbing alcohol.

I bought some nice Carhartt trousers, which have lots of pockets. I forgot to check all pockets and so my mobile got washed big time. I don’t suppose it will ever work again. I didn’t like the phone but at the same time don’t want to spend big bucks. Maybe I will go back to Nokia 🙂

Tomorrow will tell whether the Silkwood was enough – I bloody hope so…

One Reply to “Silkwood shower”

  1. Oh no, I hope you managed to wash off all the oil :-O You did so much there today and are very brave XO

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