The last piles

Finally got the the remaining piles of the garden waste into a skip. It doesn’t look it but it took hours. It’s a pain that we can’t have fires in NY 🙁 Going to have to come up with a cunning way to disguise our bonfires as a rather large bbq. That said not a good idea to burn this stuff because of the poison ivy.

The poison ivy has now started to come to leaf so it’s easier to spot. Aimee in the background is going around marking these buggers with orange paint and also a dash of weed killer, hence the splashes of colour you can see.

Stop press. So it would appear that we can have small campfires, subject to certain restrictions, most of which seem pretty reasonable. What I can’t understand is this restriction, “However, this is not allowed from March 16 through May 14 due to the increased risk of wildfires.” Weather in Kingston throughout most of that has been either cold, wet, damp, snowy or a little sunny. We’re not talking about California drought conditions here.

Garden is infested with poison ivy

Well, it’s got worse, my arms are like sausages, with peeling and splitting skin. Aimee is not much better.

The chap from the Poison Ivy Patrol thinks our garden is infested with the ivy, probably due to years of neglect. Could take 3-5 people a good part of a day to clear the rest of the garden and dig up all the roots. We’ll clear more of the overgrowth to keep the cost down, making sure not a single piece of plant touches our skin. We’ll get a dumpster to dispose of our three huge heaps of tree, plants, vines, ivy etc as well as a lot of rubble etc.

After this, we should be able to eradicate any further ivy ourselves.

For those in Europe who don’t know what poison ivy is about, isearch for “poison ivy rash”.

Calling in the Poison Ivy Patrol

Aimee has got so bad that a Doctors appointment is needed. I have it a bit but it’s manageable. A couple of people told us about the Poison Ivy Patrol so we have a consultation next week at the property. It’s nice that after the consultation you’re armed with enough knowledge to safely remove the ivy yourself if you wish.

It’s harder to identify this time of the year as the leaves aren’t out, that said it may be safer to remove in this leafless state.