Abandon All Hope…

Just when I thought we were finished with surprises I found these improvements when I came to the house tonight.

Aimee hasn’t seen this yet and it will blow here socks off, as it did me. It puts a massive smile on my face every time I think about it. My friend Martin would have chuckled and appreciated this 🙂

By the way the rest of the wall will have a coat of lime mortar and be white washed at some point so the plaque will look even better, plus I am working on building a new front door so everything will look a lot better on the ground floor at least. It’s great to have talented friends, thank you Derrick.

By the way motto doesn’t apply to us, friends or family, only foes.

By the way the lines, “Abandon all hope, ye who enter here” comes from Dantes Inferno (translation by Henry Francis Cary) as Dante passes through the gates of Hell.

2 Replies to “Abandon All Hope…”

    1. I was thinking that also!!! All the locals kids believe the house is haunted anyway. The kids think it’s haunted because lots of there parents (now 30 – 40 years old) lived there and saw ghosts, in fact we were talking to a chap called Josh who lived there when he was a kid and he had seen a ghost in the house and Josh hasn’t been the only adult who we have spoken to about seeing ghosts either. Aimee and I are yet to witness anything odd….

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