New Grass Cometh

At last we have some new grass!!! We didn’t mange to get a hose from our neighbours yet but we we’ve been lucky with wet weather which looks like continuing.

We managed three strips, though in pictures three and four it looks like the guide rail to the left is rising up at the end. Next time I’ll tie a line between the two ends to check. This can always be corrected at a later date. 

The third segment slopes down towards the house and you can see from picture five that I made a new form for this section which has a curve to it. At some point this will be supported near the house by some sort of wall but we haven’t worked that out yet.

The section at the back was planted two weekends ago, next section last weekend and the closest yesterday. There is still work to be done at the upper left of the garden but is was raining today (Sunday) so we worked in doors.

I think my dad would have been quite pleased with how we did 🙂

In pictures three and four Aimee is doing a penguin walk over the area before seeding which helps to compact the loose soil. By the way the landscaping rake (the blue one) is very useful for putting down new lawns.