How fast things grow

It’s amazing how fast trees grow. From the google street view photo from 2013 it looks like it’s not higher than 7-8′ with a trunk diameter less than your wrist. Skip a few years and it’s taller than the house. The rings became unclear towards the center so I may have under estimated the age.

Calling in the Poison Ivy Patrol

Aimee has got so bad that a Doctors appointment is needed. I have it a bit but it’s manageable. A couple of people told us about the Poison Ivy Patrol so we have a consultation next week at the property. It’s nice that after the consultation you’re armed with enough knowledge to safely remove the ivy yourself if you wish.

It’s harder to identify this time of the year as the leaves aren’t out, that said it may be safer to remove in this leafless state.

Wild life in the garden

Saw maybe my first woodpecker in the US today, I think it’s the Downy woodpecker (Picoides pubescens), it was pretty small, probably no bigger than a Starling.

Came across a lovely big bumble bee, we think it was the Common Eastern Bumble Bee (Bombus impatiens). It might be common but it was pretty cool. These bees are known to be hardy and will be the first to appear in spring.

The good pictures were taken from internet, mine are the rubbish ones.

We also had a bald eagle fly maybe 100m over the garden which was nice. We’re lucky to live by cliffs which seem to attract eagles and vultures.